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Interior Motives

Seduction by Design

The Client

Interior Motives is a furniture retailer based in St. Louis. They cater to high-end clients who love filling their homes with pieces that are not only functional, but based in good design and beauty.

To jump start their new presence online and through social media, we were tasked with creating a series of films that would exude the seductive presence of their brand in a long form piece while also offering considerable marketing legs through bite-sized social media pieces.

The Direction

The task: sell sexy furniture. To create and capture a vibe that exudes luxury and seduction. To entrance potential buyers with pieces of furniture that not only bring a room together but arouse the senses as well.

We resolved to tell the story of characters through the timeline of an intimate cocktail party, and show how these functional, yet beautiful pieces not only tie the room together, but bring people together just the same.  We strove to connect with the clientele Interior Motives sought to reach, to resonate with a real situation, and a lifestyle that they actively desired.

The Result

The execution: we brought in beautiful people, utilized precise direction, and stuck to the vision. The vision was warm, low key lighting to enhance the sensual atmosphere and cast subtle sculpt to faces and textures. From the early storyboards, we established our camera moves to tell the story while highlighting the furniture in a seamless way that shows form and function.

Strategically, we shot everything with intention to let the content be used as shortened vignettes, as well as a longer brand piece. This widened application gave the project more legs on social media; use kept durations to a minute or less for best optimization on Instagram, and the brand film itself kept nimble at 90 seconds. The end result is a series of films that entice, seduce, and offer a lifestyle to Interior Motives' customers.

Interior Motives
Interior Motives

Interior Motives

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Interior Motives :: Vignette 1

Interior Motives :: Vignette 1

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Interior Motives :: Vignette 2

Interior Motives :: Vignette 2

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Interior Motives :: Vignette 3

Interior Motives :: Vignette 3

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Interior Motives :: Vignette 4

Interior Motives :: Vignette 4

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Interior Motives :: Vignette 5

Interior Motives :: Vignette 5

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